Teaching can be easy and fun

Why shouldn't you have fun while you teach your kids the abcs, how to count or what animal says moo. I think that kids learn best when they are having fun. I am setting out to teach my one and a half year old. I want to teach him how to be a good friend, how to show love, all the animals that live on a farm and so much more. I am writing this blog not even knowing if anyone will read it but hoping someone will find inspiration to have fun while teaching their toddler.

Friday, September 17, 2010

'Q' Lesson

Flash cards

Coloring pages and crafts

Question Day
Lesson- Asking questions helps us learn new things. Make sure
you tell them how much you love them asking you questions. Ask
them if they have any of their own questions to ask you.
Game- Question game. Have a list of questions. Ex. what is your
favorite color? What is your favorite thing to eat? Etc. If you have
a younger child then give them a choice. Have something blue and
something red. Say what is your favorite color blue or red. Have
five or more questions.
Find the question mark game. Hide paper question marks around
the house and find them with your child.
Craft- Question mark art. Cut a question mark out of construction
paper. Use glitter, paint, stickers and markers to decorate it. Do as
many as they want to do. You can use them for a game.
Activity- Spend sometime with a friend or family member and ask
them questions. If you have an older child let them ask their own
Books- Jo's Big Question, Questions for Kids.

Quack quack quack
Lesson- Animal noises, focusing on ducks.
Game- Quack around in the duck pond. Make a duck pond with a
sheet or blanket and pretend you are a duck. Quack around. Do a
duck jump (jump into the pond).
Activity- Go to a duck park.
Books- What's up Duck?, Five Little Ducks, 10 Little Ducks, Duck and

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