Teaching can be easy and fun

Why shouldn't you have fun while you teach your kids the abcs, how to count or what animal says moo. I think that kids learn best when they are having fun. I am setting out to teach my one and a half year old. I want to teach him how to be a good friend, how to show love, all the animals that live on a farm and so much more. I am writing this blog not even knowing if anyone will read it but hoping someone will find inspiration to have fun while teaching their toddler.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

'G' lesson

Flash Cards
Ground Hog

I make a few extra blank ones just in case I forgot something. When I am
done with them I put them in separate bags labeled. (food, animals,
outdoors, colors, feelings,toys) I also tape them to their item (Bed flash
card to the bed, bath on the bathtub etc.) That way they can be seen or
used everyday. I use the flash cards for meals, activities and lessons.

Coloring pages and crafts

Grandparents day
Lesson- Who are your grandparents? After you talk about who they
are to them, tell them who they are to you. Who is a girl? Who is a
boy? What is your favorite thing to do with them. Count how many
you have. You can have this talk while making them a gift.
Game- Play a game with grandma or grandpa, hide and seek.
Activity- Heave your kids help you make a special meal
for all or some of their grandparents. It can even be a sandwich
for lunch. Deliver the meal in person or have everyone come over.
Books- Butterfly Kisses for Grandma and Grandpa.

Give a Gift day
Lesson- Have your child choose a person to give a gift to. Talk
about that person. Are they a boy or girl. Are they taller or shorter
then mommy. Who are they to them. You can also talk about how it
is kind to give to others. Maybe they can choose a few toys to give to
a family who need them.
Craft- Make a gift for the person/s.
Activity- Volunteer somewhere to give back to the community.
Make a few lunches to give to homeless people.
Books- The giving Tree, The Giving Book, Cool hand Cook
The Bernestain Bears and The Joy of Giving.

Green Day
Lesson-Color recognition, Show the green flash card and all
green colors. (Go to homedepot and get some green paint
sample cards of a different greens) Light green, dark green etc.
Game- Lets find green, get a basket or bag and go around the
house and collect everything green. Look in your closet in the
Kitchen, bathroom.... everywhere.
Craft- Green art. Grab green paint, markers and crayons. Use
the crayons and markers first and then the paint. Make green
paint with blue and yellow paint.
Book- Bight Baby Colors, White Rabbits Color Book

Other Ideas
Look for G's around the house.

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