Teaching can be easy and fun

Why shouldn't you have fun while you teach your kids the abcs, how to count or what animal says moo. I think that kids learn best when they are having fun. I am setting out to teach my one and a half year old. I want to teach him how to be a good friend, how to show love, all the animals that live on a farm and so much more. I am writing this blog not even knowing if anyone will read it but hoping someone will find inspiration to have fun while teaching their toddler.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

ABC Month crafts

ABC stacking cups- I made these really fun stacking cups by
printing out the alphabet. I turned the cups upside down and
taped the letters to it. They are fun to play with and learn from.

ABC garland-I printed out the ABC's in four different sizes on
card stock. Then I traced different size circles. I cut them
out and used circle stickers to attach them to string. (Heavy
sowing string) To make it more interesting I cut out four different
color card stock and glue a few different letters to it. Be careful it
gets tangled. Circle cut out tool will make it faster. Picture of

ABC Flash cards- Use card stock or flash cards to print
the ABCs. I used Orange card stock and markers instead of
the computer.

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