Teaching can be easy and fun

Why shouldn't you have fun while you teach your kids the abcs, how to count or what animal says moo. I think that kids learn best when they are having fun. I am setting out to teach my one and a half year old. I want to teach him how to be a good friend, how to show love, all the animals that live on a farm and so much more. I am writing this blog not even knowing if anyone will read it but hoping someone will find inspiration to have fun while teaching their toddler.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

'V' Lesson

Flash cards

Coloring pages and crafts
V coloring page
Vegetable coloring page
Volcano coloring page
Vulture coloring page


Lesson- Why do we eat vegetable? Go threw the colors of different 
Games- Veggie match. Get some carrots, broccoli, zucchini, bell pepper
etc. Put everything in a bowl and match them up together. 
Craft- Vegetable puppet.
Activity- Vegetable bingo. Go to a farmers market 
Books- Vegetables, What's in my Garden. 

Lesson- What does a volcano do. Is it hot or cold? What does it look like?
What happens when a volcano explodes.
Craft- Make a volcano.
Activity- Explosion time. Make your volcano erupt. This is so fun you can
do it for hours.

Books- The Best Book of Volcanoes, Volcanoes.

'U' Lesson

Flash cards

Coloring pages and crafts
Umbrella coloring page
Universe coloring page
Umbrella crafts

Lesson- A University is a collage. Hey it's not to early to talk about collage.
When I did this with my son we went to USC to visit his uncle and grandma. 
We ran on the track. We also just walk around. 
Game- Pencil count. Get some pencils and use them to count. 
Craft- Pencil stamps. Use the erasers to dip in ink or pant to make a stamp 
art piece. 
Activity- Visit a University. 

Lesson- What does an umbrella do? Do you use an umbrella in the sunshine 
or do you use it in the rain? 
Game- Umbrella  fun. Put bathing suits on and grab your umbrella. Use the 
hose as rain and let your child play with the umbrella. What happens when 
you put the umbrella over your head? 
Craft- Umbrella. 
Books- The Red Umbrella.

Other Ideas 
Under and over lesson. Ex use a cup. The can is under the cup, now it is 
over the cup. 

'T' Lesson

Flash cards

Coloring page and crafts
Turtle coloring page
Tiger coloring page
Train coloring page
Thomas the train coloring page
Tree coloring page
Turtle craft 

Lesson- Where do tigers live? What color is a tiger? Do tigers
have strips or spots? What do tigers say?
Game- Strips vs spots. Look at all the animal books you have and find
the animals who have strips and fin the ones who have spots. 
Craft- Tiger magnet 
Books- Tiger on a Tree, Have You Ever Tickled a Tiger?, Tiger-Tiger
is it True?.

Lesson- What does a choo choo train say? What is the train riding on?
What is on the front, middle, and back of the train? 
Game- Choo choo express. Be a choo choo train. You can even make a
train with boxes. 
Craft- Train craft.
Activity- Irvine park train, La habra children's museum.  
 Books- My Big Train Book, The Best book of Trains, The Good Night 
Train. Big Book of Trains. 

Other ideas
Set up a tent to play in and to have story time. 

Thursday, September 23, 2010

'S' Lesson

Flash cards


Coloring pages and crafts
Snake coloring page
Sun coloring page
Salamander coloring page
S'more coloring page
Sandwich coloring page
Sailboat coloring page
Snail coloring page

Lesson- What is the sun? What color is it? When does the sun come out?
What happens when the sun goes down?
Game- Rising sun. Pretend like you are a sun. Get down close to the flour
and then rise up slowly with your arms over your head like a circle. Go to 
your tip toes and then set.
Craft- Sun Craft
Activity- Go out side and enjoy a sunny day!
Books- Hello Sun, Sleepy Sun, Fun in the Sun. 

Lesson- What is a snake? Where do snakes live? How to they move? What
does a snake say? Use fake snakes to count and do math. 
Game-  Slithering snake finding the alphabet. First put letters
up in different places around the house. Then slithering around like a snake
to find them. 
Craft- Snake craft
Activity- Go to a reptile store.
Books- Snake, The Best Book of Snakes, Amazing Snakes.

Lesson- What do you do during summer? Is it hot or cold? Does it rain a 
lot? Talk about all the fun summer things you do. 
Game- Find the sun. Make a sun and then play hide n seek with it. If you 
want to make it more difficult make multiple  suns. Also hide rain clouds 
and snowflakes. Collect the suns! 
Craft- Porthole craft. Make a summer themed one. 
Activity- Enjoy a summer activity. Even if it is winter. Go to the beach
with warm cloths and build sand castles. Have a picnic inside on a 
rainy day. 
Books- How I Spent My Summer Vacation. 

Friday, September 17, 2010

'R' Lesson

Flash Cards

Rainbow fishes
Red bell pepper
Rainbow pudding(make pudding and separate it into a few bowls. Use
food coloring to make rainbow colors and then add all the pudding
together to make it look like a rainbow.)

Lesson- Colors focusing on red. Wear red, eat red food. Everything red.
Take a walk and look for red flowers and red cars.
Game- Go around the house and look for red stuff. Collect the red stuff
in a basket or a bag. Ex red shirts, bowls, toys etc.
Craft- Red art. Use marker, crayon and paint to make a red art piece.
Book- The Red Book, The Little Red Caboose, Fox in Socks.

Lesson- Colors. Find objects around the house so that you have all the
colors of a rainbow. Ex Red legos, orange oranges, yellow paper, green
cloths, blue bowl, purple shirts. Ask or tell your child what color they
Game- Find that color. Say a color out loud and them run to each room
and find stuff that is that color. Do it over and over with the different
Book- The rainbow fish, All the colors or the rainbow.

Lesson- What is a Rabbit. What does it look like? What do bunnies
like to eat? How to they move? Talk about how they feel when you
touch them.
Game- Hop hop hop! Use carrot cut outs. Place them i a path
and hop to each one. You can even count along the way.
Activity- Go to a pet store to visit the rabbits.
Book- The tale of Peter Rabbit, The Velveteen Rabbit, mrs rabbit
and mrs elephant.

Lesson- What is a rocket? Where does it go? Who flies in them?
Game- Count down! Count down from 10 to lift off. You can lift
off yourself and jump into the air off the couch or you can use
your craft.
Activity- Boysen Park has a cool rocket play area.

'Q' Lesson

Flash cards

Coloring pages and crafts

Question Day
Lesson- Asking questions helps us learn new things. Make sure
you tell them how much you love them asking you questions. Ask
them if they have any of their own questions to ask you.
Game- Question game. Have a list of questions. Ex. what is your
favorite color? What is your favorite thing to eat? Etc. If you have
a younger child then give them a choice. Have something blue and
something red. Say what is your favorite color blue or red. Have
five or more questions.
Find the question mark game. Hide paper question marks around
the house and find them with your child.
Craft- Question mark art. Cut a question mark out of construction
paper. Use glitter, paint, stickers and markers to decorate it. Do as
many as they want to do. You can use them for a game.
Activity- Spend sometime with a friend or family member and ask
them questions. If you have an older child let them ask their own
Books- Jo's Big Question, Questions for Kids.

Quack quack quack
Lesson- Animal noises, focusing on ducks.
Game- Quack around in the duck pond. Make a duck pond with a
sheet or blanket and pretend you are a duck. Quack around. Do a
duck jump (jump into the pond).
Activity- Go to a duck park.
Books- What's up Duck?, Five Little Ducks, 10 Little Ducks, Duck and

Thursday, September 16, 2010

'P' Lesson

Flash cards
Ping Pong
Pee pee
Poo poo
Pop tart

Pot pie
Pop tart

Lesson- What is a pig? What does it eat? What color are pigs?
Where do pigs live? What else lives on the farm. Pig tracer page/
coloring sheet.
Game- Eat like a pig. Have your kids eat there lunch like a piggy.
Explain that it is just for the day because it is pig day. Laugh have
fun and don't be afraid to get messy. They will think it is funny if
you eat like one too. (When I say eat like a pig I mean 'snouts in the
troth' style not eat everything in sight)
Craft- Chose from these Pig Crafts.
Activity- Centennial Farm has pigs and it is free.
Book- Chester the Worldly Pig, Gwendolyn, the Graceful Pig, If You
Give a Pig a Pancake, The Year of the pigs,

Lesson- Colors and counting. Look at the green grass and the green
trees. if there are flowers what color are they. What color is the
slide and the swings. Then count everything. You can even bring a
paper with words or pictures of slides, trees etc. Then write how
many of each thing you find.
Game- Relay at the Park. Toddlers can defiantly do a relay. Make
sure you do this with them and have fun. Go threw the tunnel and
hurry to the swings and go under, then go up the stairs and down
the slide. Next climb and the bench and walk to the other side and
jump off. If your child likes this game chances are you will be tired
before they want to stop. This is a great work out too!
Craft- Painting in the park. This is easy and quick! You are
going to need a container with a lid. I used a big plastic pretzel jar,
and a big plastic pickle jar, and a plastic protein powder container.
You only need one. Grab some paint, a large plastic jar, paper,
wrapping paper ribbon, cloths pins, and a few random objects. Small
balls, legos, rocks etc. When you are at the park tie the wrapping
paper ribbon to two trees to create a cloths line. put your cloths
pins on before you do the art. Now it is time to paint. Put your
paper in and the random items of your choice. Put some paint in
(not too much). Close the lid and shake it, play soccer with it, roll it
down a hill, etc. When you are done pull it out and hang it on the
cloths line. To make different looking art put different items in and
shake the jar in a different way. The art looks so beautiful just
hanging in nature.
Activity- Have a picnic at the park.
Book- An A-Z Walk in The Park.

Lesson- What is painted? Talk about all the things that get painted.
Walls, cars, houses, art etc. How does paint feel to the touch? Use
paint brushes to count and do math.
Game- This one is Messy! Make flash cards that say right hand, left
hand, right foot, left foot, face, blue, red, yellow and green. Place the
body parts cards and the color cards in a different pile. Take turns
picking up one card from each pile. What ever the card says you do.
Ex left foot blue, this means that you paint your left foot blue.
Craft- Choose from these painting crafts.
Activity- Go to an art museum.
Books- Van Gogh and the Sunflowers, Painting on a Canvas:
Art Adventures for Kids.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

'O' Lesson

Flash Cards

Coloring pages and Crafts

Lesson- Counting. Octopus's have eight legs. How many eyes etc.
Where does and octopus live? What else lives in the ocean.
Game- Dance like and octopus. Put some music on and dance
with your arms moving like and octopus.
Book- Tickly Octopus, Good Thing You're Not an Octopus!
Welcome to The World of Octopus.

Lesson- Shapes. Focus on ovals. Look for ovals around the house.
Game- Run around the oval. Make and oval shape inside or out side
with a jump rope or tape. Run around the rope together. Run back
wards, jump, run fast and slow.
Craft- Decorate an oval. Cut an oval out of construction paper and
get decorations to make it pretty.
Books- Shapes, Shapes, Shapes; The Farm Book.

Monday, September 13, 2010

'N' Lesson

Flash Cards

Lesson- What is in a newspaper? Look at all the pictures and
talk about them. Also funnies is a must.
Game- Lava jump. Spread the news paper out and pretend like
the floor is lava. Jump from newspaper to newspaper.
Activity- Go buy a newspaper. Let the kids put the money in.

Lesson- What does a nurse do? Where do nurses work? What
kinds of things to nurses do?
Game- Play nurse, check for pulse, put band aids on boo-boos.
Use a tong depressor to look in mouth. etc.
Craft- Nurse Hat
Activity- If you have any nurse friends maybe you can
visit them at work. Or have a play date with them.
Books- Nurse Nancy, Nurse (little people shape book)
Helping you Heal.

Lesson- Find noses. Your nose, Mommy's nose, dogs nose
stuffed animal nose etc. What do you use your nose for.
Game- What's that smell? Grab coffee beans, lemons, soy
sauce, flowers, cinnamon, vanilla, perfume, clone. Anything
you have with a distinct smell. Let your child smell them one
at a time. Ask which one is there favorite and least favorite.
Books- Toes, Ears and Nose, A Noses for Adventure, If I only
had a green nose, Be Glad Your Nose Is on Your Face.

Other Ideas
Collect nickels.
Count everything in nines.(ex. nine crackers for snack)